The 46th Plenary Meeting of the SEE Health Network under the subject “CROSS-SECTORAL AND ALL SOCIETY COLLABORATION FOR BETTER HEALTH SYSTEM RESILIENCE: IMPROVE VACCINE ACCEPTANCE BY ADDRESSING MISINFORMATION ” gathered in hybrid manner the National Health Coordinators and/or Alternates of the Member States to the SEEHN, directors of the SEEHN Regional Health Development Centers (RHDC), representatives from the partner countries and partner international organizations and guests, to promote discourse and cooperation among Member States and to strengthen public health partnerships in the Western Balkans and beyond.
Furthermore, the 46th SEEHN Plenary is discussing the challenge of better health system resilience, emphasizing the urgent need for cross-sectoral and all society collaboration to improve vaccine acceptance by addressing misinformation, presenting country case studies and practices from the SEEHN member states and cross-cutting issues.