Sofia, Bulgaria – A one day workshop organized by the Ministry of Health with support of the World Health Organisation gathered together representatives of health, education, social affairs, foreign affairs, academia, World Bank, UNICEF, European Commission and civil society to discuss Bulgarian National Health Strategy (2014-2020) implementation towards achieving WHO Policy Framework for Health and Wellbeing – Health 2020 indicators and Sustainable Development Goals and Targets.
Director of the SEEHN, Dr. Mira Jovanovski Dasic has presented the SEEHN to the participants and informed of the ongoing and upcoming technical work of the SEEHN. She pointed out that all the SEEHN Member States have developed national health policies in line with the European policy framework for health and well-being – Health 2020, some of those have started localizing Sustainable Development Goals and Montenegro has committed to voluntary reporting on indicators that are relevant to Montenegro. She has also presented the Chisinau Pledge as the SEEHN policy framework aligned with international commitments. Dr Dasic emphasized the important role of WHO as the biggest partner of the SEEHN in support to policy developments in the Member States aimed to leave no one behind, as well as the role of the SEEHN to the same effect.
Rich discussion and open sharing, added value to the workshop conclusions. The workshop has demonstrated good capacities of the national public health community, interest of the international community present in Bulgaria to support and openness of the civil society for outcome-oriented policy making that will organize intersectoral efforts of the Government and the society to improve health and wellbeing of the population.