In the first phase of the COVID- 19 Training of trainers, 32 participants from Albania, Montenegro and Serbia successfully completed the online training course and were awarded certificates during the online ceremony held on 8 October 2020.

The SEEHN Secretariat teamed up with Project Hope to develop a six-month COVID-19 ToT online program for healthcare workers, designed to teach and evaluate the trainees from the selected SEEHN Member States on core competencies, including on infection prevention and control; contact tracing; screening and triage; diagnosis and management; and risk communication and public health messaging. 

ToT model for healthcare workers was developed by Project HOPE in partnership with experts from Center for Human Rights and Humanitarian Studies at the Watson Institute of Brown University, United States. The training materials were translated to Albanian, Montenegrin and Serbian and will be used during the second dissemination phase that will be conducted in the forthcoming period by the certified trainers.

SEEHN Secretariat extends its appreciation to Project HOPE for the partnership in this important training program as part of a joint effort to rapidly scale-up COVID-19 response in the selected SEEHN member states. The Secretariat also expresses its gratitude to the national focal points and to the training participants for their efforts and contributions for the successful implementation of the program.

SEEHN reaffirms its commitment to further working on strengthening the health workforce capacities in SEE region.

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