Dr. Luca Rosi, Head of the International Affairs, Italian National Institute of Public Health (Istituto Superiore di Sanita’), on 26th March 2018 paid a visit to the Secretariat premises in Skopje.
The Director of SEEHN Secretariat Dr. Mira Jovanovski Dasic welcomed Dr Rosi and presented recent developments within SEEHN, the work on the strengthening of the governing bodies of the SEEHN, the preparation of the Chisinau Pledge Action Plan and the activities implemented in the past period.
The deliberations included current and future plans of SEEHN, comprising the readiness to continue working on public health issues in the SEE Region, strengthening the role of the Secretariat itself and strategic partnerships.
Interlocutors exchanged opinions regarding possibilities for partner cooperation between the Italian National Institute of Public Health and SEEHN, other opportunities of financing possible bilateral actions and projects, their interconnectivity within multi-stakeholder involvement initiatives.
Particularly, Dr. Dasic and Dr. Rosi conveyed on key actions to be implemented in the SEE member states reaffirming fundamentals for development, social cohesion and prosperity.
Key topics in the discussion included:
- To establish a plan for actions to address Public Health challenges especially those with cross-border implications;
- To enhance the technical capacity of experts and infrastructures;
- To provide Technical Assistance for building community resilience skills;
- To develop in the future a permanent forum – open source – for know-how exchange in the SEE Region;
- To support quality training programs in educational institutions in the SEE Region.
Finally, Dr. Dasic and Dr. Rosi expressed readiness to revive the partnership of SEEHN with the Istituto Superiore di Sanita’. Dr. Rosi assured to provide assistance needed to that extent.