In view of the need for further strengthening of both regional collaboration for public health and the governance structures of the South-east Europe Health Network, an ad-hoc Meeting of the Ministers of Health of the SEEHN Member Countries titled “Further Steps to Strengthening the SEE Regional Collaboration for Public Health” will be held on 21-23 June 2015 in Belgrade.

Jointly organized by the Regional Director of the WHO Regional Office for Europe, Dr. Zsuzsanna Jakab and the Minister of Health of the Republic of Serbia and current President of the SEEHN, Dr. Zlatibor Lončar the Ministerial Meeting will precede the 35th Plenary Meeting of the SEEHN to take place on 23-24 June 2015 in the same venue.

During these two important events, relevant stakeholders shall exchange views, experience and lessons learned on the top common priorities of the SEEHN Member States, including the implementation of WHO Europe Health2020 and the Health dimension objectives and measures of the SEE 2020 Strategy. By determining the next intersectoral actions for health, the high-level representatives of the SEEHN Member States and the WHO Regional Office for Europe will have an excellent opportunity to reaffirm their countries’ political commitment for strengthened intergovernmental and inter-sectoral collaboration towards health and health systems improvement in the Region.

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