Belgrade, 1 April 2022 – As a follow up to the recently completed project “Mental Health and Resilience Training for healthcare workers responding to COVID-19 in SEE Region”, SEEHN Secretariat Director Dr. Mira Jovanovski – Dasic paid a working visit to the the Clinic for Psychiatric Diseases and the Mental Health Center “Laza Lazarevic” in Belgrade.  The visit was hosted by the Clinic’s Director Prof. Ivana Stasevic Karlicic, MD, who was also the Mental Health Expert and Master Trainer from Serbia during the project. 

The first part of the visit was organized at the premises of the Clinic for Psychiatric Diseases in Visegradska 26 where the meeting between the directors was held, also attended by the National Focal Point from Serbia Assistant Prof. Vladan Djordjevic, MD.  Prof. Stasevic Karlicic used this opportunity to present the latest novelties introduced in the field of mental health in Serbia, mainly relating to easier access to mental health services, anonimous, free of charge and without the need of presenting the health insurance card or the GP’s refferal in order to avoid possible stigma.  She also explained that persons with mental health issues since recently also have the possibility to contact experts online.

Dr. Jovanovski – Dasic thanked Prof. Stasevic Karlicic for her invaluable contribution during the implementation phase of the project and her kind hospitality.  She expressed hope that by joining forces this momentum can continue and much more will be done for mental health well being in the Region.

After the meeting, a tour of the Mental Health Centre in Terazije 3/3 was organized.

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