Skopje, May 7th 2018 – Dr. Mira Jovanovski Dasic, Head of SEEHN Secretariat, welcomed today, for the first time, Minister of Civil Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina Mr sci. Adil Osmanovic and Minister of Health and Social Welfare in Government of Republic of Srpska Dr. Dragan Boganic.
In a pleasant atmosphere, the collocutors, among other, agreed about the key role of the SEEHN for better cooperation in this region. Minister Osmanovic and Minister Bogdanic praised the efforts Dr. Dasic made so far and the future activities such as: development of Action plan on Chisinau Pledge, development of new SEEHN Memorandum of Understanding, the forthcoming Workshop with contracted legal advisors in Belgrade and the plan for the Ministerial Conference and 40th SEEHN Plenary Meeting in Israel.
Dr. Dasic underlined that this kind of communication between all members of SEEHN is essential for future regional cooperation.