Sound and timely expert knowledge and opinion is of utmost importance for the creation of strategies, policies and way forward to sustainable health systems.
In this respect SEEHN with its Regional Health Development Center on Surveillance and Communicable Disease SECID hosted by Albania, together with expert support from WHO Euro and with experts from the SEE Region held a one day Round table on Current Measles Outbreaks and Response Challenges in SEE Countries, on 27 June 2019 in Skopje, North Macedonia.
The aim of this round table was to present the characteristics of measles outbreaks the current challenges in order to find the best way on how to support an effective response in SEE countries.
All countries in the SEE region have committed to eliminate measles. Most of them were even certified for measles elimination. There is an effective, inexpensive combined vaccine that can protect populations from measles. Unfortunately, this vaccine is not used as it should be.
Each country presented their current measles situation and vaccination coverage followed by lively discussions.
Conclusions and recommendations from this SEE round table will soon follow.