The South-Eastern Europe Health Network held its 43rd Plenary Meeting on the 25 November 2020. In light of the current regional situation, the meeting theme was “COVID-19 Projections Across the SEE Region for the Winter Season: Current Status and Perspectives“.
The 43rd Plenary was hosted by the Romanian Presidency of the Network, with the Romanian Secretary of State Dr Andrei Baciu chairing the opening session on strategic considerations.
The meeting gathered representatives of Diplomatic Missions of the SEEHN Member States accredited to Romania, National Health Coordinators and/or Alternates of the Member States to the SEEHN, directors of the SEEHN Regional Health Development Centers (RHDC) and representatives from the partner countries and partner international organizations.
The opening remarks were given by Dr. Danijela Urosevic, Chair of SEEHN Executive Committee, Dr. Mira Jovanovski Dasic, Head of Secretariat, SEE Health Network, Mr. Robb Butler, Executive Director of the WHO Regional Director`s Office and Ms. Tanja Miščević, RCC`s Deputy Secretary General.
Considering the worrying resurgence of COVID-19 across the South Eastern European region, the Plenary meeting gave the opportunity to take stock of the situation, anticipate the scenarios for the forthcoming winter season and examine how we can move forward together in a spirit of solidarity and mutual support. Also, the meeting provided a platform to discuss immunization options and health system preparedness in the SEE Region during COVID-19.
In the closing session of the Plenary, the Romanian Presidency presented its Report reflecting on SEEHN major developments, activities and challenges during its term (July-December 2020) and handed over to Republic of Serbia the chairmanship of the Network.
At the same time, general policy matters such as the organization of the fifth SEEHN Ministerial Forum to be held in 2021 or 2022 and the celebration of the 20 years of SEEHN in 2021 as well as organizational matters were properly discussed in a closed executive session of the representatives of the SEEHN Member States.