Dr. Mira Jovanovski Dasic, Director of SEEHN Secretariat earlier this week had a meeting with H.E. Ms.Lepa Babic, Ambassador of Bosnia and Herzegovina to the Republic of Macedonia.
At the beginning, Dr. Jovanovski Dasic expressed her gratitude to Bosnia and Herzegovina for the strong support to SEEHN activities over the past 15 years. She also gave an insight into the recent accomplishments. Namely, she made an introduction to the newly adopted Chisinau Pledge as a direct result of the SEEHN Fourth Ministerial Forum on “Health, well-being and prosperity in South-Eastern Europe (SEE) by 2030 in the context of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development”, she presented the structure of the Network, the ongoing activities and the road map for future ones. She also gave an overview of the work of the Regional Health development Centers (RHDCs) while particularly acknowledging their resilient work on Mental Health based in Sarajevo, BiH. She emphasized the importance of the SEEHN Secretariat continuing working on strengthening health systems and the Network’s performance throughout the SEE Region.
Madam Ambassador Babic congratulated Dr. Jovanovski Dasic on assuming the office and stressed out the significance of a joint initiative tackling contemporary health issues existing in the region thus offering her assistance in terms of diplomatic correspondence in the future.
Maintaining a strong relationship with the Republic of Macedonia as the host country as well as intensification of the connections with the diplomatic representatives of the SEEHN Member States with seat in Skopje was also recognized as a top priority by Dr. Jovanovski Dasic.
Information on mutual areas of interest and opinions regarding technical possibilities for the consolidation of the Network have also been exchanged in a friendly atmosphere.