The 38th Plenary Meeting of the South-eastern Europe Health Network (SEEHN) was held on 14-15 December 2016 in Chisinau as the second High Level Pre-Forum Meeting with SEE National Health Coordinators, the Directors of the SEE Regional Health Development Centres and partners, organized jointly by the Presidency of the Republic of Moldova and the SEEHN Secretariat.
The 38th Plenary reviewed the level of preparation for the forthcoming Fourth SEE Health Ministerial Forum to be held on 03-04 April 2017 in Chisinau, discussed possible challenges facing the Forum and took important decisions, in particular related to the approval and signing of the Forum´s outcome documents: the Chisinau Pledge; the Framework for the development of the SEE Health Strategy 2030 in line with the UN SDGs 2030; the Memorandum of Understanding on the SEEHN on its STATUTES of 2016, and the Standard Operational Procedures of the SEE Health Network.
The meeting also provided an opportunity to discuss the Member States’ political commitment to the SEE regional collaboration, the needs for reforms in the light of the European Framework Health 2020 and the UN SDGs 2030 and further extend of the collaboration by identifying common targets for the SEEHN progress.
Annex 1 Presentations at the Penary
Annex 2 List of technical documents discussed at the 38 Plenary
Annex 3 Programme – 38 Plenary
Annex 4 List of Participants – 38 Plenary