The second year of COVID-19 pandemic is only deepening the economic crisis, the health toll is inestimable and the future consequences are yet another check to be paid. At this stage, immunization is key to unlock the path towards building back.
The COVID-19 immunization is scaled-up globally on a different path and scale and the SEEHN Member States also vary depending on an array of factors. However, SEEHN stands by to promote large-scale vaccination, fostering for better emergency preparedness and eventually prepare further for future roll-out within the younger population.
In this light, the South-Eastern Europe Health Network jointly with Project HOPE and the Center for Human Rights and Humanitarian Studies at the Watson Institute of Brown University have organized the COVID-19 vaccine training program for frontline responders, on 20 May 2021. Member States Ministries of Health demonstrated huge commitment and mobilization efforts.
As result of strong commitment and contribution of the National Focal Points nominated by respective Ministries of Health, the training gathered over 150 frontline workers from the SEEHN Member States. It offered the platform to discuss the latest science behind different vaccines available on the market, concerns and answers, vaccine rollout communications, prioritization systems and country specific guidelines.
Additionally, the trainees had the opportunity to hear the first-hand experience and the State of Israel successful story in details. It also covered the adjustments and solutions, future steps and expert opinions.
Finally, this training of trainers is expected to be rolled out within the SEEHN Member States and multiply the end beneficiaries over 1200 and scale-down further. These trainings aim to shape skills and equip the health care workers for a rapid and safe response.