Dr. Mira Jovanovski-Dasic, Head of SEEHN Secretariat had a meeting on 25 September in Skopje with H.E. Mr. Predrag Mitrovic, Ambassador of Montenegro to the Republic of Macedonia.
Dr. Dasic presented the recent accomplishments of the SEE Health Network, with special focus on the last Ministerial Forum concluded with the adoption of the Chisinau Pledge. She explained the organizational structure of SEEHN, gave an insight on the ongoing activities and made a short reflection on the forthcoming activities and events. She also gave an overview of the Workshop with the Regional Health Development Centers (RHDCs) held in Skopje and acknowledged in particular the importance of improving and strengthening the work of SEEHN RHDC. The importance of the SEEHN Secretariat as main engine for providing administrative and technical support to the Network’s activities was highlighted as well.
H.E. Ambassador Mitrovic congratulated Dr. Dasic on her appointment as Head of SEEHN Secretariat.
Bilateral discussion ended emphasizing the importance of the regional cooperation while tackling current health challenges in the SEE region. The collocutors agreed that there is the need to continue in depth consideration for technical possibilities for the enhancement of the Network and also any other health initiatives that might be of interest at the regional level. H.E. Ambassador Mitrovic offered the assistance of the Embassy in that regard as far as the possibilities allow.