On 30 June 2021 a joint SEEHN and SECID meeting, dedicated to the “Management of Covid-19 Vaccination Process – Challenges, Threats & Best Practices” was organized

Address by Dr Mira Dasic, Director of SEEHN Secretariat

Dear colleagues,

Ladies and gentlemen,

I have the pleasure to greet you, today, on behalf of the SEEHN Secretariat at this joint Meeting organized by SECID, SEEHN RHDC on Communicable Diseases Surveillance and Control, hosted by Albania. The meeting is dedicated to the “Management of Covid-19 Vaccination Process – Challenges, Threats & Best Practices”. This topic is of extreme importance for the SEE region.

We witness a complicated and sensitive situation related to COVID-19 vaccination in terms of availability, distribution, access, vaccine hesitance etc. I will deliberately leave details aside and emphasize that the aim of this meeting is to bring together SEE countries to identify key challenges of the COVID -19 vaccination process management, threats they bring for the mass vaccination and share good practices and lessons learned during the rollout.

I am very keen to hear the already acquired experience so far, the challenges, along with the countries’ presentations.

By sharing and exchanging openly successes and failures, we can accelerate progress and prevent or improve the situation effectively.

I am grateful to you all for the time you will dedicate to this Regional discussion, yet again; I believe this will prove that solidarity can bring benefit that no money can buy. 

Wishing us all health and a successful webinar, thank you for your attention.


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