SEEHN Secretariat jointly with the SEEHN RHDC on Accreditation and Continuous Quality Improvement of Health Care (ACQIHC) organized the Round table on “Patients’ Rights – Tool for Long-Term Improvements on Safety and Quality in the Health Systems in the SEEHN Member States”. The event is taking place, today, 23 November in Belgrade.
The event was addressed by Dr Mira Dasic, SEEHN Secretariat Director, Dr Danijela Urosevic, Assistant Minister, MoH SRB, SEEHN NHC, member of the ExCom, Mr Vladimir Arsenovic, Director of the Agency for Accreditation of HealthCare Institutions of Serbia (also Director of RHDC ACQIHC), the WHO representative in Serbia and Special Envoy of the Regional Director for the Western Balkans Dr Fabio Scano and Dr Maja Vuckovic-Krcmar, Programme Officer, Delegation of the European Union to Serbia.
The main goal of the round table is to discuss multi-lateral interventions aimed to increase the highest possible quality of care in the SEE region. Another aspect is to learn the EU countries invaluable experiences in the realm of Patient Rights, particularly in cross-border healthcare. These two objectives are especially relevant to the focus and mandate of SEEHN facilitating inter-country and regional cooperation beyond borders.
Every country faces challenges in implementing Patient Rights. This round table, featuring representatives from each SEEHN member state, presents a unique opportunity for an in-depth examination of Patient Rights implementation practices. It provides a platform for sharing experiences among participating countries, where each nation can acknowledge its strengths and weaknesses in relation to Patient Rights.