On 28 April 2014, SEEHN Executive Board members met with representatives of EC DG SANCO D1 and EC TAIEX in Brussels to discuss the potentials for and more strategic approach to their collaboration. SEEHN was represented by Dr. Goran Cerkez – Chairperson of the SEEHN Executive Committee and two members of the SEEHN Executive Committee, Dr. Alexandre Berlin, Honorary Director, European Commission and Dr. Maria Ruseva. The meeting was held in a positive and very open environment, yielding intensive discussions that have led to reaching some very important conclusions and mutually agreed recommendations for future steps.
The mutually expressed interest in exchanging expertise through the SEEHN regional events, in wide range of health-related topics, including International Health Regulations (IHR), antimicrobial resistance (AMR) and safety of blood, organs and tissues, while the topic of patients’ safety and quality of services are also considered as important ones.
In relation to the organization of the 10 approved SEEHN proposed Regional Workshops, the meeting parties have agreed that SEEHN will provide prompt feedback of outcomes, followed by evaluation on the progress and impact of the event in all SEEHN member states by the respective RHDCs. TAIEX on the other hand expressed its further commitment in providing professional support in a form of expert missions to individual countries on respective topic related to the event to be organized.
Beyond the collaboration through the EC TAIEX instrument, SEEHN and DG SANCO have agreed that presence of SEEHN to DG SANCO events should be enabled and secured as much as possible, stimulating the participation of the non-EU countries when invited.
TAIEX Approved Proposals for funding in 2014:
- Evaluation of cross sector public health policies on migration and health, and the role of IHR implementation in SEE countries (Albania)
- Intervention and policies on antibiotics use (Albania in collaboration with the SEE RHDC on Antimicrobial Resistance in Sofia, Bulgaria).
- Donor detection and optimal donor management (DM) (Croatia)
- Waiting list management – Pre-transplant assessment and development of criteria for organ allocation process (Croatia)
- Coping with Non- Communicable Diseases (NCDs) by strengthening and upgrading the capacity of nursing and midwifery workforce in the SEEHN countries (State of Israel)
- Woking time and nurses threats to health and safety (Assess EU experience in legislative adjustments –norms and exceptions) (Republic of Moldova)
- Development/upgrading of Monitoring Systems for NCDs and Health Inequalities at Country Level in line with Cross-sectoral Planning and Data Analysis (linking social and health data, HiAP, HI, development indicators beyond GDP: life expectancy and healthy life years) with the reflection on Current Countries’ Situation (Montenegro)
- Programme development for the reduction of excessive salt intake in the diet of the countries of the SEEHN (South-East Europe Health Network): Development, Review, Implementation, Good Practices and Possible Obstacles (Montenegro)
- The Highest Patient Safety in Transfusion Therapy in Emergency and Special Circumstances (Republic of Serbia in collaboration with the SEE RHDC on Blood Products and Safety in Oradea, Romania)
Mental Health and Human Rights: Implementing the Council Conclusions on ”The European Pact for Mental Health and Well-being: results and future action” (Republic of Serbia in collaboration with the SEE RHDC on Mental Health in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina).