The TAIEX workshop on Increasing Blood Availability and Providing the Highest Donor and Patient Safety in Transfusion Therapy in Emergency Special Circumstances, will take place in Bucharest from July 7-9, 2014, as follow-up to the two workshops: “Increasing Transnational Availability of Safe Blood and Blood Components for Medical Emergencies and Special Circumstances”, held in Oradea, Romania in June 2011, and “Clinical Risk Management and Management of Adverse Events”, held in Belgrade, Serbia, in December 2013.
The EC TAIEX Multi-Country Workshop has the following three main aims:
- To review the application of the EC Directive 2002/98/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 January 2003 setting standards of quality and safety for the collection, testing, processing, storage and distribution of human blood and blood components and amending Directive 2001/83/EC: current status, progress in implementing, achievements and challenges of the SEE countries members of the SEE Health Network; cross learning from the experience of the EU Member States, the counties of the SEEHN itself and other neighboring countries
- To increase awareness and political/institutional capacities, among SEEHN member states, about the harmonized ways for getting the Highest Patient Safety in Transfusion Therapy in Emergency Special Circumstances (natural disasters as floods, earthquakes massive traffic accidences) at both levels:
- pre-hospital (blood centers specialists) and
- hospital (clinicians), based on Bioethical principles
- To apply in a complementary and logical manner the EU directives 2002/98/EC, and Council recommendation 2009 on Patient Safety
Finally, the event is expected to develop a draft Decision on the topic and to submit it for approval by the 33rd Plenary Meeting of the SEE Health Network to be conducted on 10-11 July 2014 in Bucharest under the Presidency of the Romanian Minister of Health.
A summary report will be available by end of July 2014.