The SEEHN Fourth Ministerial Forum “Health, well-being and prosperity in South-Eastern Europe (SEE) by 2030 in the context of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development” concluded with the signing and approval of the Chisinau Pledge.
In this framework, SEE Network on Workers’ Health (SEENWH), WHO Collaborating Center expressed their commitment, through signing the Chisinau Pledge during a bilateral meeting held on 09 of May 2017 in the premises of SEEHN Secretariat between Dr. Mira Jovanovski Dasic, Head of SEEHN Secretariat and Prof. Dr. Jovanka Karadžinska-Bislimovska, Coordinator of SEENWH.
This opportunity was used to discuss possible areas for cooperation for the future period.
In addition, upon the request of the SEEHN director, Dr. Dragan Miakoski from Institute of occupational health of the Republic of Macedonia (IOHRM) delivered his presentation prepared for the World Health Day on “Occupational diseases associated with depression”. The presentation included data from a research conducted among health workers in the Republic of Macedonia, which showed shortages at different levels.