The Emergency Training of Trainers on COVID-19 for Primary Health Care Nurses started yesterday, November 30, in virtual format, gathering more than 40 participants.
Welcoming remarks were delivered by the Director of SEEHN Secretariat, Dr. Mira Jovanovski-Dasic, Mr. Gian Matteo Apuzzo, Senior CEI expert, as well as by the two project experts Dr. Luca Rosi and Dr. Nicola Petrosillo.
Dr Dasic emphasized in her speech the critical role nurses play at the forefront of COVID-19 preparedness and response and the need for concrete actions to empower nurses and support them in their daily work to improve case management.
She highlighted that quality health care worker education is not a one-time engagement. Global health trends shift, technology advances, and new practices are developed, therefore continuous health worker training helps the workforce to adapt and deliver higher quality care. The Director of the SEEHN Secretariat also commanded the expert team for their excellent experience and expertise in the field.
This regional Training-of-trainers’ course is part of the project “Strengthening capacities of nurses – front line healthcare workers during the COVID-19 response – Strong nurses for strong health systems and a healthier world”.
The project is funded by the Central European Initiative and implemented by the SEEHN Secretariat in selected Member States: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Republic of North Macedonia, Montenegro, Republic of Serbia and Republic of Moldova.
The training programme is been driven by the recognition of the challenges faced by nurses in the South-Eastern European region and aims at strengthening the capacities of the primary health care nurses in SEEHN Member States through online trainings on COVID-19 emergency response.
In the next sessions, the participants will also virtually interact and share their experiences. By the end of the training, participants will have a thorough grounding on COVID-19 prevention, promotion and advocacy, to ease their work and to equip them with additional skills on COVID-19 case management.