The Emergency Training of Trainers on COVID-19 for Primary Health Care Nurses Programme launched on December 14, 2020, its second round in a virtual gathering with an outstanding line-up of expert speakers on COVID emergency response topics.
38 participants from 5 SEEHN Member States eligible to the program joined the first day of the training that will run for the next four days, until the 18th of December, 2020.
Considering the extraordinary circumstances, we face, the South Eastern Health Network puts all the forces thus the training programme is an insightful and interactive webinar during which expert speakers will share their knowledge on some of the key elements related to Covid-19 response as a powerful means for improving the clinical performance of frontline nurses.
The Training of Trainers modules will cover the following: the concept of triage of COVID-19 patients, use of PPE to reduce the risk of SARS-CoV-2 exposure, importance of clinical signs of COVID-19 infection in patients as well as the importance of adequate of stress and mental health management during pandemics.
Taking the floor in the opening session, the Director of the SEEHN Secretariat, Dr. Mira Dasic stressed the importance of the role of nurses as core pillars of the health systems. Nurses are at the forefront of COVID-19 response, providing care and play a critical role in emergency risk reduction, preparedness and response. Primary health care nurses are often the first ones to get in direct contact with potential COVID -19 positive patients. They also provide the essential care for the patients, coordinating efforts with other health response team during emergencies. We all know that without well-prepared and protected healthcare staff, there is no response.
The Emergency Training of Trainers on COVID-19 for Primary Health Care Nurses Programme is a capacity-building programme on emergency preparedness and response, designed for frontline Primary Health Care nurses. The programme enables its participants to incorporate evidence-based expertise and insights about COVID-19 case management.
The regional Training-of-trainers’ course is part of the project “Strengthening capacities of nurses – front line healthcare workers during the COVID-19 response – Strong nurses for strong health systems and a healthier world”.
The project is funded by Central European Initiative and implemented by the SEEHN Secretariat in SEEHN selected Member States: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Republic of Moldova, Republic of North Macedonia and Republic of Serbia.