Preceding the 34th SEEHN Plenary Meeting (19-20 November 2014), the Extraordinary Ministerial Meeting of the SEE Health Network was successfully organized on 18 November 2014 in Skopje.
The attending ministries of health and official representatives of all SEEHN member countries discussed the health reforms and the Whole-of-Government approach to the implementation of the WHO European Policy Framework for health and wellbeing Health 2020, as well as the mobility and education of human resources for health.
The Meeting also revolved around the crisis preparedness and response capacity of the SEE Health Network and provided for the creation of a Task Force as a mechanism for addressing crisis health preparedness aid in the region. In this context, a Preparedness and response simulation exercise was implemented at the Alexander the Great Airport in Skopje.
Prior to the Ministerial Meeting, the President of the Government of the Republic of Macedonia Nikola Gruevski met with the WHO Regional Director for Europe, Mrs. Zsuzsanna Jakab. The meeting was an excellent opportunity to discuss the current governmental health policies, the main strategic goals and activities as well as the future cooperation in various fields of common interest, particularly regarding the Health 2020 Strategy development process in the country.
The Ministerial Meeting was followed by a press conference held by Mrs. Jakab and the Minister of Health of the Republic of Macedonia Nikola Todorov. They both underlined the importance of the regional cooperation within SEEHN and the paramount role that the Network plays in regard to the cooperation across the health sector in Europe.
SEEHN Extraordinary Ministerial Meeting Presentation Web Launch