17 March 2022 – Dr. Mira Dasic, Director of the SEEHN Secretariat, held a meeting in Skopje with directors of the two SEEHN RHDCs, Prof. Silvia Bino, SEEHN RHDC on Communicable Diseases (SECID), hosted by the Institute of Public Health of Albania and Dr. Milica Stanisic, RHDC on Non-communicable diseases (NCDs), hosted by the the…

The national representatives of the SEEHN Member States, and the directors of the SEEHN Regional Health Development Centers met virtually for an Ad-Hoc Plenary meeting on 17 March. The event was held virtually considering both health and security circumstances. The opening remarks were given by Dr. Danijela Urosevic, Chair of SEEHN Executive Committee, Dr. Mira…

15 March 2022 – Dr. Mira Dasic, Director of SEEHN Secretariat had a meeting today in Skopje with Mr. Roberto Antonione, CEI Secretary General and Ms. Nina Kodelja, CEI Deputy Secretary General. The aim of the meeting was to facilitate new collaborations and decide on the next steps in the areas of common interest. Means…

Today, the SEE Health Network Secretariat is celebrating the 9th anniversary of the official opening of the new Seat in Skopje, Republic of North Macedonia.                 On March 7, 2013, the impressive inaugural event was held under the auspices of the Prime Minister of the Republic of North Macedonia and in the presence of the…

With more than 800 people worldwide affected by obesity and millions more at risk, World Obesity Day is an opportunity to raise awareness and enhance the call for cross-cutting policies to address the burden of this life-altering disease. Moreover, the associated comorbidities such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, as well as stigma, the risk of a…

Dr. Mira Dasic, the Director of SEEHN Secretariat and Secretariat staff met on 22 February 2022, in Skopje Prof. Stojan Bajraktarov, Medical Director at Psychiatry Clinic, Medical Faculty, University “St. Cyril and Methodius”. The discussions focused around two main activities in the mental health area. Dr Dasic started with an overview of the ongoing activities…

National health coordinators of the SEEHN Member States, representatives of the partner countries, international organizations, directors of the SEEHN Regional Health Development Centers met virtually for the 44th plenary meeting of the South Eastern Europe Health Network on 21 December 2021. Organized by the SEE Health Network Serbian Presidency, Executive Committee and Secretariat, the event…

Within the mental health project “Mental Health and Resilience Training for healthcare workers responding to COVID-19 in SEE Region”, funded by Project HOPE and implemented by SEEHN Secretariat, throughout December 2021, in total nine training of trainers’ sessions enrolling more than 260 healthcare workers from BIH, MDA, MKD, MNE, SRB and KOS* were successfully conducted….

The SEEHN Secretariat is implementing a mental health project “Mental Health and Resilience Training for healthcare workers responding to COVID-19 in SEE Region”. funded by Project HOPE in six of SEEHN Member States (ALB, BiH, MKD, MNE, SRB, MDA) plus Kosovo*. The TOT sessions will focus on building knowledge and skills on core resilience drivers…

On 12 December 2012, the United Nations unanimously adopted a historical resolution calling for action to accelerate progress toward universal access to quality, affordable healthcare without facing financial hardship. 5 years later, in 2017, UN General Assembly proclaimed 12 December as the International Universal Health Coverage Day in an effort to raise awareness on the…

At the special event at the margins of the CEI Summit dedicated to the endorsement of WHO “Roadmap for Health and Well-being in the Western Balkans (2021-2025)” Prime Ministers commit to facilitating health reform initiatives to accelerate closing sub region’s health gap with EU & attaining SDGs. ENDORSEMENT REMARKS Western Balkans AND PARTNERS’ STATEMENTS OF…

As the pandemic is still unfolding globally and at a time when a fourth and a potential fifth wave is still keeping Europe under enormous pressure, it is too early to assess the full impact of this health emergency. However to date, the COVID-19 has severely disrupted NCDs prevention and treatment services in many countries which…

Dear participants and colleagues, It is my pleasure to address you, on behalf of the SEEHN Secretariat, at the European Forum for Disaster Risk Reduction. I wish to congratulate the organizers for providing us with this platform for discussions. When approached by the Disaster Preparedness and Prevention Initiative for South-Eastern Europe to contribute and implement…

On 22 and 23 November, the South Eastern Europe Health Network organized a Multi-Country Workshop on Intervention and Policies on Antibiotics Use with the support of the European Commission’s Technical Assistance and Information Exchange Instrument (TAIEX). The online meeting provided a great opportunity for the representatives of the beneficiary Member States and guests to mark…

World Antimicrobial Awareness Week is celebrated every year by supporting efforts to prevent the further emergence and spread of drug-resistant infections through effective communication and education. Despite the death toll and the devastating economic and social inequities brought on by the Covid-19 pandemic, the health threat posed by antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is no less dangerous,…

The Disaster Risk Management Knowledge Center published the results from the subnational risk INFORM index for the 3 pilot DPPI SEE and SEEHN member states  Albania, Montenegro and North Macedonia . The INFORM index supports a proactive disaster risk management framework. It will be helpful for an objective allocation of resources for disaster risk reduction…

On November 9 and 10, a multicountry workshop on “Clinical guidelines on Sexual and Reproductive Health in SEEHN” was held virtually.  The workshop was the result of SEEHN cooperation with the Ministry of Health of North Macedonia, the SEEHN Regional Health Development Centre on Sexual and Reproductive Health – the East European Institute for Reproductive…

 “Mental Health and Resilience Training for HCWs responding to COVID-19 in SEE Region” kick-off meeting of the newly launched project took place on 8 November in the virtual space shared by National Focal Points and Mental Health experts from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Moldova, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia and Kosovo*. Building on SEEHN Secretariat previous…

Dr. Danijela Urošević, Chair of the South-Eastern Europe Health Network Executive Committee represented the Network at the Conference on The Role of the European Union in Strengthening Health Systems Resilience Globally. The event was held virtually, on October 20, 2021, under the auspices of the Slovenian Presidency of the Council of EU. The Conference aimed…

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