The South East European Centre for Surveillance and Control of Infectious Diseases – SECID, SEEHN RHDC in collaboration with WHO Regional Office for Europe, the Centers of Disease Control, USA and Task Force for Global Health has convened an advanced training workshop on surveillance and causality assessment of adverse events following immunization (AEFI), held in…

The increasing pressure on the countries related to COVID-19 pandemic determined the organization of a Regional TC on 24 March 2020 at 11:00 CET, at the initiative and with the support of Dr Mira Jovanovski-Dasic, Head of SEEHN Secretariat and Dr Silvia Bino, Director of SEEHN RHDC on Communicable Disease. It was tailored to the nine Member States of…


The Round Table is organized by the SEEHN RHDC on NCDs from Montenegro and SEEHN Secretariat under the Montenegro SEEHN Presidency. The specific objective of the meeting is to review the national policies, recommendations and guidelines in SEE Health Network member states. (Western Balkans and beyond),regarding children nutrition with focus on the preschool and school…

Workshop on Reducing Health Inequality (SDG10) by Improving Health Literacy, has been organized by the SEEHN Secretariat, SEEHN RHDC on Public Health Services and the Ministry of Health of the Republic of North Macedonia on 28 November in Shtip, Republic of North Macedonia under the Presidency of Montenegro. Summary report “REDUCING HEALTH INEQUALITY (SDG10) BY IMPROVING…

12-13 December 2019, Podgorica, MontenegroEC TAIEX Multi-country workshop on Scaling up colorectal cancer screening programmes, organized in co-operation with SEE Health Network Regional Health Development Centre on NCD hosted by the Institute of Public Health Montenegro and SEE Health Network Secretariat within Montenegrin SEE Health Network Presidency.Participants are from Republic of Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina,…
RHDC on Sexual and Reproductive Health, Romania The South-eastern Health Network (SEEHN) is pleased to announce the designation of a New Regional Health Development Centre on Sexual and Reproductive Health, hosted by the East European Institute of Reproductive Health (EEIRH) in Romania.Romania is a strong example of success and continued regional cooperation in the area of…

18.01.2019, Tirana, Albania Representatives of the SEEHN Secretariat and the Regional Health Development Center (RHDC) Southeast European Center for Surveillance and Control of Infectious Diseases (SECID) met Friday 18 January 2019, in Tirana, Albania. The visit to SECID aimed for strengthening public health cooperation related to the public health emergencies, preparedness and control of the…

The South-eastern Health Network (SEEHN) is pleased to announce the designation of a New Regional Health Development Centre on Sexual and Reproductive Health, hosted by the East European Institute of Reproductive Health (EEIRH) in Romania. Romania is a strong example of success and continued regional cooperation in the area of sexual and reproductive health. In…
RHDC on Accreditation and Continuous Quality Improvement of Health Care (Belgrade, Serbia) The Regional Health Development Centre for Accreditation and Continuous Quality Improvement was officially opened within the framework of the Agency for Accreditation of Health Care Institutions (AZUS) in Belgrade, Serbia in October 2012. Performing all activities as RHDC under MoU, AZUS provides for…
RHDC on Blood Safety (Oradea, Romania) Established to act as a strategic and methodological structure in blood transfusion safety, the Regional Health Development Centre for Blood Safety (RHDC BS) was officially inaugurated in January 2011 in Oradea, Romania. As a reference point in permanent contact with the SEEHN Executive Committee and other specialized centers both…
RHDC on Non-Communicable Diseases (Montenegro, Podgorica) The Regional Health Development Centre on Non-Communicable Diseases (RHDC NCD) was established with a Decision of the Government of Montenegro in November 2011. Fully supported by the Ministry of Health of Montenegro, it is hosted by the Centre for disease control and prevention at the Institute of Public Health…
RHDC on Human Resources for Health (Chisinau, Republic of Moldova) Hosted by the National Center on Health Management in Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, the Regional Health Development Center on Human Resources for Health (RHDC HRH), also known as the SEE Observatory on HRH, was established by a decision of the SEE Health Network in June…
RHDC Skopje on Public Health Services (Skopje, Republic of North Macedonia) The Regional Health Development Center on Public Health Services (RHDC PHS) has been established in July 2010 at the National Institute of Public Health in Skopje, Republic of North Macedonia with the aim to lead, coordinate, manage and monitor the progress of implementing selected…
RHDC on Organ Donation and Transplant Medicine (Zagreb, Croatia) Since its inception in February 2011, the Regional Health Development Center on Organ Donation and Transplant Medicine aims to advance organ donation and transplantation by establishing, coordinating and supporting long-term cooperation within SEEHN countries and national health authorities. In that context, the RHDC facilitates the dissemination…
RHDC on Antimicrobial Resistance (Sofia, Bulgaria) The Regional Health Development Center on Antimicrobial Resistance (RHDC AMR) was officially inaugurated in 2011 at the National Centre of Infectious and Parasitic Diseases in Sofia, Bulgaria, which is also a WHO collaborating centre for communicable diseases surveillance. Its principal role is to coordinate the collaboration between public health…
Regional Health Development Center on Mental Health (Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina) Officially inaugurated in June 2011 by Mr. Sredoje Novic, Minister of Civil Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Regional Health Development Center on Mental Health in SEE (RHDCMNH) was established within the Ministry of Civil Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina with the aim to…
RHDC on Communicable Diseases Control and Surveillance and IHR implementation in SEE (Tirana, Albania) The Regional Health Development Centre on Communicable Diseases Control and Surveillance and IHR implementation in South-Eastern Europe (RHDC CDC) has been hosted within the Institute of Public Health of Albania since its establishment in 2010. In February 2013, “Southeast European Centre…