SEE Health Network extends the sincerest gratitude and appreciation to the nurses and midwives for the work that they are doing to keep the world healthy! SEE Health Network strongly supports the investment in nursing and midwifery as an investment in Health for All and Leaving No One Behind! On behalf of 7 April 2020,…

On the occasion of the World Health Day 2018, the Association of doctors of Macedonia held a solemn gathering on which the Minister of Health, Dr. Venko Filipce addressed. He emphasizing the commitment of the Government and the Ministry of Health of Republic of Macedonia in the promotion of public health and stressed that one…

WHO at 70 – working for better health for everyone, everywhere On 7 April, World Health Day, the World Health Organization marked its 70th anniversary. On this occasion we should not only reflect on the impressive progress in health that has been achieved in past 7 decades – from routine vaccination against childhood diseases to…

On the occasion of the World Health Day 2018, SEEHN Secretariat and Regional Health Development Center on Public Health Services hosted by the Institute of Public Health in Skopje, marked the event on Thursday, April 5th at the Best Western Hotel Turist in Skopje. World Health Organization established April 7th as World Health Day 70…