The South Eastern Europe Health Network (SEEHN) joins the global community to celebrate the European Immunization Week (EIW) 2024, highlighting the critical importance of vaccination in protecting public health.

As the European region celebrates the 50th anniversary of the Expanded Program on Immunization (EPI), SEEHN recognizes the essential step made in protecting populations from vaccine-preventable diseases over the past half century.

The European Immunization Week serves as an important reminder of the life-saving impact of immunization and the need to achieve high and equitable vaccination coverage in all communities.

Guided by EPI principles, SEEHN reaffirms its commitment to support Member States and regional efforts in implementing robust immunization programs and ensuring access to vaccines for all.

Given the ongoing challenges of misinformation and vaccine hesitancy, SEEHN emphasizes the importance of combating misinformation and promoting accurate, science-based information about vaccines.

Through collaborative efforts with government bodies, health professionals and community stakeholders, SEEHN calls for sustained partnerships to combat misinformation and build confidence in vaccination as a cornerstone of public health. SEEHN recognizes the invaluable role in promoting vaccination and looks forward to engaging with partners to promote a culture of vaccine acceptance and uptake.

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