Acknowledging the key leadership and extraordinary commitment of the Regional Director Dr. Hans Kluge targeting the health and the well being of our region, the SEEHN Presidency representative Dr. Andrei Baciu welcomed the European Programme of Work, 2020–2025 – “United Action for Better Health in Europe” in a second intervention during the afternoon session of the first day of the WHO RC 70.
(The intervention briefed on the recent initiatives of the Network implemented with the WHO support and further enhanced under the first Sub-Regional Cooperation Strategy, 2018-2023). Dr. Andrei Baciu expressed the Network and its Members States` allignment to the underlying principles of leaving no one behind and strengthened health leadership reflected on the new EWP proposal.
The SEEHN Presidency representative also underlined the role of SEEHN as a cost-effective vehicle for providing assistance in regional context and further pledged for investment in the South Eastern Region in terms of intelligence and funding as key to achieve longstanding results and sustainable health gains and promoting a culture of health in the SEE region.