Building resilient communities through planning for health and wellbeing at local level
Director of the SEEHN Secretariat Dr Mira Jovanovski Dasic and Program Manager, Program for National Health Policies, Division for Policy and Governance for Health and Wellbeing, Regional Office for Europe, Snezhana Chichevalieva, met in the Seat of the SEEHN Secretariat, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia. They discussed possibilities for collaboration of the SEEHN and the WHO, Regional Office for Europe for building resilient communities through planning for health and wellbeing at local level in the SEE. Joint initiative’ beneficiaries would be interested SEEHN Member States with already developed structures at local level to support such an initiative.
Local health policy planning is expected to channel intersectoral efforts of stakeholders at local level to improve health and wellbeing and build resilient communities. Providing support and guidance to local actors for health and wellbeing will ensure an effective integration of the national and local priorities within the contemporary policy context of WHO European policy framework for health and wellbeing- Health2020 and 2030 Agenda. Ministers of Health of the SEEHN member States in the recently adopted SEEHN Chisinau Pledge (March, 2016) have committed to achieve goals and indicators set up by both policy frameworks.