The conference, attended by the representatives of SEEHN, has been organized under the auspices of the Presidency of Bulgaria of the Council of the EU.
Obesity among children was spotted as an increasing challenge in the European Region. Thus, healthy nutrition was chosen as a priority to focus on and to promote among European nations. As the majority of the SEEHN Member States aspire to accede to the EU and also encounter the same challenges, the participation of SEEHN was an opportunity to exchange information, best practices and policies in order to improve the health choices on nutrition for the younger generations.
Many aspects of the healthy nutrition have been discussed including the impact of nutrition and food on health: ranging from breastfeeding to epigenetics, healthy eating habits as key health determinant, options on regulating marketing of foods intended for children, Mediterranean diet, Nordic diet, “Baltic diet”,”Balkan diet”- traditional diets and foods and their impact on health, success stories: best practices at national, European and Global level.