Meeting of Mr Nikola Todorov, Minister of Health with the Ambassadors of the SEEHN Member states
On September 10, 2014, Mr Nikola Todorov, Minister of Health of the Republic of Macedonia met with the ambassadors of the SEEHN Member states…
At the premises of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Skopje on the occasion of the Macedonian presidency with the South-Eastern European Health Network and prior to the upcoming regional meeting of the World Health Organization in Copenhagen, Mr. Nikola Todorov, Minister of Health of the Republic of Macedonia, addressed the diplomatic representatives of SEEHN member countries and the Head of WHO Country office. He stressed the initiative for further human resources development as a factor for health development and also mentioned the necessity to strengthen the role of SEEHN in the process of crisis management and appropriate assistance provision. The ambassadors were also addressed by Mr. Nikola Poposki, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Macedonia who greeted the strong collaboration on improvement of health, commending the efforts of the Ministries of Health of SEEHN member states to effectively respond to the global, regional and national health challenges. Ms. Snezhana Chichevalieva, Head of WHO Country Office in Skopje also greeted the hosts and the ambassadors, congratulating on the progress of collaboration in health made through the SEE Health Network and conveying the words of continuing support from the WHO Regional office for Europe to the SEE Health network.
Press clipping
Date/time: 10 September 2014, 14,00
Place: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Macedonia
The new presidency of the SEEHN is with the Republic of Macedonia At the meeting held at the premises of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Skopje on the occasion of the Macedonian presidency with the South-Eastern European Health Network and prior to the upcoming regional meeting of the World Health Organization in Copenhagen, Mr. Nikola Todorov, Minister of Health of Republic of Macedonia, addressed the present diplomatic representatives of SEEHN member countries as well as the official representative of the WHO Country Office. He stressed the initiative for further human resources development as a factor for health development and also mentioned the necessity to strengthen the role of SEEHN in the process of crisis management and appropriate assistance provision.
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The Republic of Macedonia assumes the presidency of SEEHN On the occasion of the Macedonian presidency with the South-Eastern European Health Network, the Macedonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs hosted a diplomatic briefing which was attended by representatives of both SEEHN member countries and WHO Country Office. In his speech, the Minister of Health of Republic of Macedonia, Mr. Nikola Todorov referred to the strengthening of the human resources as one of the key factors for health development and also indicated that improved crisis management is impossible without regional cooperation and coordination.
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Diplomatic briefing on the occasion of Macedonia’s presidency of SEEHN Republic of Macedonia has recently assumed the presidency with the South-Eastern European Health Network. In that regard, the Macedonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs hosted a diplomatic briefing which was attended by representatives of SEEHN member countries as well as of the WHO Country Office. Mr. Nikola Todorov, Minister of Health of Republic of Macedonia, has presented the initiatives to be implemented under Macedonian presidency mainly focused on further development of human resources, strengthening of medical skills and capacities and improving crisis management through closer regional cooperation.
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The presidency of SEEHN passes from Romania to Macedonia Macedonia assumes the presidency of the South-Eastern European Health Network. At the meeting held at the Skopje-based Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Minister of Health, Mr. Nikola Todorov, greeted the diplomatic representatives of SEEHN member countries and underlined the importance of further human resources development that would provide for substantial strengthening not only of the capacities and skills of the medical personnel but also of the health systems of each SEEHN member country. Referring to the catastrophic floods that the region has recently suffered, he also stressed the important role that SEEHN should play in the process of crisis management.
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Macedonia assumes six-month presidency of SEEHN As of July 2014, the presidency of South-Eastern European Health Network is with Republic of Macedonia. Therefore, the Macedonian Ministers of Health and Foreign Affairs, Mr. Nikola Todorov and Mr. Nikola Poposki respectively, welcomed the diplomatic representatives of SEEHN member countries in Skopje. During the briefing held at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA), Mr. Todorov presented the initiatives to be taken under the Macedonian presidency, generally oriented towards strengthening the SEEHN role on regional level, and invited his colleagues to take part in the upcoming SEEHN Plenary Meeting to be held in November.
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The new presidency of the SEEHN is with Republic of Macedonia In the second half of 2014, the presidency of the South-Eastern European Health Network will be with the Republic of Macedonia. On this occasion, the Macedonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs organized a diplomatic briefing which was attended by representatives of SEEHN member countries and the WHO Country Office. The Macedonian Minister of Health, Mr. Nikola Todorov presented the envisioned activities and initiatives under the Macedonian presidency and underlined the necessity for both further human resources development as a key factor for health development and strengthening of the role of SEEHN in the process of crisis management on regional level.
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SEEHN Presidency: Macedonia will lead the way in the next six months On the occasion of the presidency with the South-Eastern European Health Network, which Republic of Macedonia assumed as of July 2014, the Macedonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs hosted a diplomatic briefing welcoming the representatives of SEEHN member countries and the official representative of the WHO Country Office. Mr. Nikola Todorov, the Minister of Health of Republic of Macedonia, addressed the attendees and presented the initiatives to be undertaken in the next six months, aiming at strengthening the role of the Network on regional level.
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Diplomatic meeting on the occasion of Macedonia’s presidency of SEEHN Macedonia has assumed the presidency of the South-Eastern European Health Network. The Macedonian Minister of Health, Mr. Nikola Todorov, welcomed the diplomatic representatives of the SEEHN member countries at the premises of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Skopje, and during the diplomatic briefing held on this occasion, he presented the initiatives to be undertaken in the next six months, generally aiming at strengthening the role of the Network on regional level.
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Six-month presidency of SEEHN with Macedonia As of July 2014, the presidency with the South-Eastern European Health Network is with Republic of Macedonia. Therefore, the Macedonian Ministers of Health and Foreign Affairs, Mr. Nikola Todorov and Mr. Nikola Poposki respectively, welcomed the diplomatic representatives of SEEHN member countries in Skopje. During the briefing held at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA), Mr. Todorov presented the initiatives to be taken under the Macedonian presidency towards the strengthening of SEEHN role on regional level.
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Republic of Macedonia assumes the presidency of SEEHN On the occasion of the Macedonian presidency with the South-Eastern European Health Network, the Macedonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs hosted a diplomatic briefing which was attended by representatives of both SEEHN member countries and WHO Country Office. In his speech, the Minister of Health of Republic of Macedonia, Mr. Nikola Todorov referred to the strengthening of the human resources as one of the key factors for development of the health sector and also indicated the regional cooperation and coordination as essential for improved crisis management.
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The new presidency of the SEEHN is with Republic of Macedonia On the occasion of Macedonia’s presidency with the South-Eastern European Health Network, the Macedonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs hosted a diplomatic briefing which was attended by representatives of SEEHN member countries as well as of the WHO Country Office. In his speech, the Macedonian Minister of Health, Mr. Nikola Todorov underlined the strengthening of human resources as one of the key factors for health development and referred to the regional cooperation and coordination as crucial for better crisis management.
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Diplomatic briefing on the occasion of Macedonia’s presidency of SEEHN In his speech, given during the diplomatic briefing which was held on the occasion of the Macedonian presidency with the South-Eastern European Health Network, the Macedonian Minister of Health, Mr. Nikola Todorov presented the initiatives to be taken in the next six months with the aim to strengthen the role of the Network on regional level. Addressing the representatives of both SEEHN member countries and WHO Country Office, he also invited his counterparts to the forthcoming SEEHN Plenary Meeting planned to be held in November.
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