World Blood Donor Day is an event at international level celebrated every year on 14 June, to raise awareness on the need for safe blood donations; to praise and to thank regular blood donors; and to encourage more people to give blood on a regular basis.
There is no real substitute for human blood and one donation can save three lives. Every couple of seconds someone around the world needs blood. Blood transfusions save millions of lives each year, both in emergency and non-emergency situations.
It needs to be highlighted that the services providing safe blood and blood products are an essential element of every health care system.
This year, 2020 is marked by the COVID-19 pandemic. COVID-19 convalescent plasma can be a life-saving act of solidarity.

WHO encourages governments, national health authorities and national blood services to work together to:
- ensure systems and infrastructure are in place to increase collection of blood from voluntary, regular unpaid donors;
- establish and strengthen quality assurance systems for blood and blood products to ensure safe blood and blood products;
- provide quality donor care;
- promote and implement appropriate clinical use of blood; and
- oversee the whole chain of blood transfusion.
SEE Health Network joins the celebration of the World Blood Donor Day and underlines that everyone should have access to safe blood and blood products.