A wide array of participants – Representatives from SEEHN Secretariat, WHO Regional Office for Europe, WHO Country Office Romania, WHO CC in Israel, SEEHN RHDC on Sexual and Reproductive Health and the Board of the Order of Nurses and Midwives from Romania gathered on 29 August at Olimp in Romania to discuss the draft roadmap for the newly established SEEHN RHDC for nursing and midwifery. The inclusive dialogue intended to create the longstanding partnership among actors that have a common objective and different scope and levels of intervention with the ultimate aim to improve nursing and midwifery in the SEE region and beyond.
The Order of Nurses and Midwives from Romania is the host of the SEEHN RHDC for Nursing and Midwifery. This governance structure was approved following the nomination by the Ministry of Health of Romania, the minister Dr Alexandru Rafila and the Order of Nurses Board approval and the approval within the 46th SEEHN Plenary Meeting in Albania, Tirana, held on 4-5 June 2023.
The next important step now is to create a SEEHN network of focal points on nursing and midwifery. This structure shall bring the grassroots needs on which priorities the SEEHN RHDC on Nursing and Midwifery shall focus in the immediate and medium term.
The deliberations touched upon the governance structure, priority setting, complementarity of work among different partners, future funding and fundraising opportunities in a synergy at the regional level.
Finally, the meeting set up the scene for a knowledge broker in nursing and midwifery hosted by the Regional Health Development Center in Romania, bringing valuable experience advancing nursing and midwifery to optimally contribute to achieving universal health coverage (UHC) and other population health goals.