The 37th Plenary Meeting of the South-eastern Europe (SEE) Health Network was organized under the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina (health authorities in B&H shall include the Ministry of Civil Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Federal Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare of Republic of Srpska and the Department of Health and Other Services of Brcko District in Bosnia and Herzegovina) in the first half of 2016. It was held on 28–29 June 2016 in Sarajevo and was the first High Level Pre-Forum Event with senior government representatives from the SEEHN countries and their partners, organized jointly by the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the SEEHN Secretariat.
The focus of the Fourth Forum and, respectfully, of the 37th Plenary Meeting of the SEEHN and High Level Pre-Forum Event in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina was “Health, Wellbeing and Prosperity in South East Europe in the framework of the UN Sustainable Development Goals 2030”.
The 37th Plenary Meeting of the SEEHN and High Level Pre-Forum Event conducted the first round of inter-country consultations on five outcome and background political documents to be ready for Fourth SEE Health Ministerial Forum in Chisinau on 03-04 November 2016. The expected outcome of the 37thPlenary Meeting of the SEEHN and High Level Pre-Forum Event was to discuss and collect the opinions of all SEE governments on the extended sub-regional cooperation for introducing and/or strengthening the values, priority areas, and actions towards achieving better health, well-being and prosperity in the region in the framework of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 2030. A Memorandum of Understanding for partnership with Instituto Superiore di Sanità – URE (ISS), Rome, Italy initially was signed.
Annex 2 – List of Participants