The SEEHN Fourth Ministerial Forum “Health, well-being and prosperity in South-Eastern Europe (SEE) by 2030 in the context of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development” concluded with the signing and approval of the Chisinau Pledge. In this framework, SEE Network on Workers’ Health (SEENWH), WHO Collaborating Center expressed their commitment, through signing the Chisinau Pledge…

The prevalence of depression in the SEEHN is growing, relatively following the pulse of the rest of the countries in Europe, which register an increase of more than 18% between the year 2015 and 2015. Depression affects people of all ages, from all walks of life and it impacts on people’s ability to carry out…

On 27 March 2017 the new Head of the Secretariat of the South-Eastern Europe Health Network (SEEHN) Dr. Mira Jovanovski-Dasic met with the Deputy Minister of Health of the Republic of Macedonia Mr. Jovica Andovski. This was the first official activity of Dr Jovanovski-Dasic in the capacity of the Head of the SEEHN Secretariat. Deputy Minister Andovski…

The South-eastern Europe Health Network (SEEHN) joins the global efforts in managing changes of their health systems performance to end tuberculosis, particularly in the South Eastern European countries. In the context of the World TB Day, celebrated on 24 March 2017, the SEEHN will have a meeting organized by WHO Regional Office for Europe on…

On 03 and 04 April 2017 the ministers of the nine countries members of the SEE Health Network will gather at their Fourth SEE Health Ministerial Forum in Chisinau, the Republic of Moldova. The Forum is co-organized by H.E: Ms. Ruxanda Glavan, President of the SEEHN, Minister of Health, Republic of Moldova and Dr. Zsuzsanna Jakab, Regional Director, WHO Regional Office for…

The 38th Plenary Meeting of the South-eastern Europe (SEE) Health Network and Second High Level Pre-Forum Meeting was held on 14-15 December 2016 in Chisinau under the Presidency of the Republic of Moldova. This important event was organized with the kind financial support of the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC). The SEE National Health Coordinators, the Directors…

14-15 December 2016, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova The SEE Health Network Presidency, Executive Committee and Secretariat will be convening the 38th Plenary of the network on 14th December 2016 in Chisinau, Republic of Moldova under the Presidency of the Moldavian Minister of Health, H.E. Ms. Ruxanda Glavan. The 38th Plenary will be attended by the…

Outcomes and Decisions of the 37th Plenary Meeting of the South-eastern Europe Health Network (SEEHN) and High Level Pre-Forum Event Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 28-29 June 2016 On 30 June 2016 the Presidency of Bosnia and Hercegovina of the SEE Health Network was completed with a full and unprecedented success, its peak being the 37th…

On 20-th of May at the opening ceremony of the 12-th International Conference on Clinical Ethics and Consultation the Hans-Joachim Schwager-Prize for Clinical Ethics for 2016 was presented to Prof. Silviya Aleksandrova-Yankulovska, Dean of the Faculty of Public Health at the Medical University of Pleven, Bulgaria. The award carries the name of Professor Hans…

The Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina of the SEE Health Network (SEEHN) (health authorities in Bosnia and Herzegovina shall be understood as Ministry of Civil Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Federal Ministry of Health, Ministry of Health and Social Welfare of Republic of Srpska and Department of Health and Other Services of Brcko District of Bosnia and Herzegovina),…

The Jubilee Scientific Conference celebrating the 10th anniversary of the Faculty of Public Health in Pleven took place on 1-3 October 2015 under the title of “Public Health Policy and Practice”. Divided into three plenary sessions, various conference topics were tackled in the context of both the negative public health trends that Bulgaria faces and…

Leading structure at the Medical Faculty and a solid educational center for training of public health professionals and managers, the Faculty of Public Health in Pleven, Bulgaria invites all interested colleagues and public health professionals to join its Jubilee Scientific Conference and celebrate its 10th anniversary. Titled “Public Health Policy and Practice”, the conference will…

Titled “The Health Status of the Albanian Population”, the 2014 National Health Report of Albania was published by the Institute of Public Health of Albania with the support of the UNICEF country office. Based upon a desk review of the official sources of information on health status and health care system in the country, the…